Meet Orion
Experienced & Trusted Leader
"Whenever a leader is looking for an assist, you need solid experienced help. Wether it's to help their organization get to the next level, personally grow, or get some help in a challenging situation,; competent wise assistance is paramount. In trials, what kind of assistance you reach out for must be an anchor in the storm. We are not phased by tough situations and we bring a calm and determined presence to every situation.
Many organizations and leaders get assistance to get unstuck, find renewal, engage their edge of growth, invite renewal, or to push towards more exponential growth. Whatever the reason to seek assistance, you can have confidence that we are experiences organizational leaders in both ministry and business. We have decades of experience making leaders great and assisting organizations to thrive and have successful, amazing cultures." -Orion Berridge

The Process
Commerce, services, online systems like this are fast streamlined, put it in the cart and check out. We've been trained in this instant selection and purchase world. However, humans are by nature relational beings. Helping leaders is not like programing a computer. So we take a relational approach to assisting leaders. Everything begins with a personal contact, and email, a phone call, or a meet up to connect and understand the needs of our clients.
Once we understand your needs we will proved you with the exact scope of assistance we can offer your situation, and then clearly outline what you can expect. We will work with you to establish goals, deliverables, and desired outcomes.
Our mission is simple, to assist leaders and organizations find their greatest potential.